Sales Representatives Since 1992
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri & Wisconsin
Spirit Sales was reorganized as an Independent Sales Representative in October, 1992.
The nature of this business is to represent a single store (customer) to many companies (products) and in turn represent a single company (product) to many stores (customers).
Our main objective is to be more than a Representative. To do more than just be an extension of the companies we represent. To be special, to be what our customers need and the reason that they call us rather than the companies direct.
To achieve this goal we will:
Never "sell" the products. We will present, show, explain and assist but never "sell".
Strive to understand our customers' needs; identify a store's buying base and general product lines and to keep this in mind when presenting products.
Never recommend any poor quality or poorly selling products regardless of the company's opinion of them.
Make customer service our top priority. We will handle all problems, return all calls in a timely fashion, keep all appointments, arrive promptly for all scheduled business and follow-up with customer problems to the best of our ability. Our responsibility never ends with the sale.
Keep in mind that we make a profit only when our customers do.
Never, never, never forget that our customer is the reason we are in business.
Make every effort to keep our customers up-to-date on specials, new products, policy changes, changes in current product lines and new product lines.
Above all else, to thine own self (and our customers) be true.